The Core Principles

These 7 biblical principles can help strengthen any work with vulnerable people.

Depending on God

It’s God who transforms. We need to look to Him for wisdom, provision, and supernatural intervention. Our human efforts and resources are just not enough.

Nurturing Truth and Confronting Lies

Physical poverty and injustice are symptoms of a deeper problem—wrong beliefs. If we are to see lives transformed, we must begin by identifying individual and societal lies that create brokenness and then bring biblical truths that lead to flourishing.

Integrating Physical and Spiritual

We often categorize our world into boxes, such as sacred and secular, spiritual and physical. But the Bible teaches that all of life is meant to be lived for God’s glory. This biblical, integrated view of life changes how we understand poverty and the way we seek to address it.

Partnering with the Church

Jesus describes the Church as His body and bride. Local churches are His chosen instrument for His involvement in the world. When the local church acts, God receives the glory, rather than the praise going to an individual or organization. That’s why the church is key to addressing brokenness.

Focusing on the Vulnerable

Vulnerable people have needs much deeper than the physical lack we easily identify. To see lives transformed, we must help vulnerable people to regain hope, dignity, and a right understanding of their identity as image-bearers of their Creator and stewards of the earth.

Mobilizing Local Resources

God has not abandoned local churches and communities. He has gifted even the poorest with resources. We encourage people to discover and use those resources for God’s glory.

Pursuing God’s Ways

God’s ways are higher than our ways, and we need to constantly seek God through prayer, scripture, and wise Christian advisors. God’s ways include building His kingdom rather than our own, stewarding well, and being generous with all He gives us.

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