About the Framework For Transformation
This Framework for Transformation is a training and consulting tool created by Reconciled World. Our goal is to strengthen others’ work among the vulnerable in the Majority World so that, together, we can see God’s kingdom overcome poverty and injustice.
About Framework for Transformation
Reconciled World is an international not-for-profit that seeks to see God’s kingdom overcome poverty and injustice. We do that in three ways: implementing programs in the Majority World, turning those programs into replicable models, and sharing ideas to help others strengthen their work among the vulnerable.
In one of our programs, Truth Centered Transformation (TCT), God surprised us by completely transforming more than 1000 communities out of poverty. It was especially startling because we had never given any outside resources to any of these communities, but simply sought to provide wholistic discipleship to churches in poor, rural areas. We felt called to share the story of what God was doing through TCT, mostly to encourage people that God is powerful and working on behalf of the vulnerable in incredible ways. As we told the stories, more and more people approached us wanting to run the program in their nation. So we developed a website, share-able materials, and a team of consultants to help others replicate the program. There are now more than 10,000 churches in 20 nations studying the TCT curriculum.
However, we quickly realised that, for many, the TCT program wasn’t the appropriate tool for their context. While TCT worked well among rural churches, it really wasn’t designed to address the challenges faced by refugees or people with disabilities. What many practitioners actually needed were to understand the core principles that RW was built on and how to apply them in their own situation. So, when asked to speak at various events, we began focusing on our seven core principles (now called the Framework for Transformation). Again, the number of requests for more help were greater than our capacity to answer them.
And so this website was born. It’s not intended to be a final treatise on transformation (we certainly don’t have that sort of authority). Rather, as we continue to learn and grow in our understanding, we want to share what God has taught us so far in the journey. We hope these ideas and stories will be useful and encouraging to others who seek to see the lives of vulnerable people transformed.
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